Meet Diana
I teach women how to put their households on autopilot. So you can have More Time and less to worry about.
Six years ago I stepped away from the corporate world where I worked as a CPA. Working in corporate finance really leveraged many of my strengths and I enjoyed my job. I loved creating and streamlining processes to help me complete my responsibilities faster and more effectively. I enjoyed being proactive rather than reactive at work.
With the birth of my first son I decided to take a career break. The transition from working full-time in an office to caring for an infant at home was rough. I no longer had the structure of a full-time job AND I had a lot more work on my hands caring for another human. In addition to learning a bunch of new stuff about how to care for this infant* we had more laundry, more appointments to manage, more cleaning, etc.
The truth is, I loved caring for and spending time with my son but I wasn’t a fan of all of the rest of the stuff. What I really wanted was to hang out with him while he was awake and relax and have time to pursue personal interests when he was asleep. This meant we wanted to figure out how to do all of the other “household stuff” with the least amount of effort.
So, I took my talent for finding efficient ways to accomplish tasks and applied it to my home life. It became a game of sorts to me; figure out what actually needed to be done and how it could be accomplished with the least amount of time and effort. By eliminating, sharing, minimizing and streamlining, we were able to survive those first few years of parenthood (amidst my husband wrapping up his medical residency program.)
Now my son is older, we added another amazing son to our family and my husband is no longer working residency hours. There is still laundry and grocery shopping and meal planning and meal preparation and cleaning and decluttering and organizing and calendar management that goes on in our household. With the simple systems I was able to put in place we could keep things going despite multiple moves, the birth of another child, home renovations and major medical challenges in our family.
Our lives are full but not harried. We spend time together. We hang out with our friends. We keep doing things that are fun for us (I love playing violin and my husband enjoys playing soccer) and things that feel important to us (active in our church, school and neighborhood communities). We make time to relax and recharge.
I love women. I think we are amazing. I think we have a lot of value to contribute to society with our ideas, our hearts and our hands. I love helping women run their households effectively with less time and energy so they can share their incredible ideas and talents with the world.
*full disclosure: I’m a Learner, Questioner and an Enneagram Type 5, so that plus hormones made me a sponge for information on how to navigate parenthood through the first year and beyond. I spent a lot of time reading and thinking about this new role of mine :)