How to Spend Less Time Cleaning: The Natural Trigger

A few years ago I set up an elaborate array of tasks in Google Tasks for household tasks/chores I wanted to complete. Every task/chore had a due date attached. I remember feeling on top of things for a few weeks and then getting “behind” and feeling bad about it when I would see how many “late” tasks had yet to be completed.

I eventually waved the white flag and abandoned this method. Now instead of following a schedule I use what I call the “Natural Trigger” method. I don’t address something until it catches my attention. For example, rather than cleaning my baseboards every 3 months, I clean them when they are noticeable dirty (and dirty enough that it bothers me and I want to do somethign about it.).

The reason I like following the “Natural Trigger” Method rather than a set schedule is because it tailors the frequency of competing the task with my personal standards of cleanliness. Plus I don’t feel weighed down with a long list of tasks to complete (especially when I’m in a particularly busy time of life and I have “fallen behind”).

Here are some examples of other natural triggers:

  • Dust when you see dust and it bothers you

  • Mop your floor when it’s sticky/noticably dirty

  • Take out the trash when it’s full

  • Put a load of laundry in when run out of clothes to wear.

What are some chores that you’re currently doing at a set frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.) that you could switch to completing only when you experience a “Natural Trigger”?


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