Expert Advice. Custom Solutions. A Clear Plan. Momentum. Accountability.

How do your Services work?

When you hire me, you get a customized solution that will work for you. I’ve designed my services in a way that offers you objective, expert insight, a clear plan to move forward, momentum, a deadline and accountability. All of these aspects work together to give you all the support you need so you can have more time and less to worry about.

  • I can’t wait to meet with you! We will meet for 60-90 minutes, depending on the service. In our meeting I ask questions and listen. I'm trying to understand 3 key things:

    1. What you're currently doing

    2. What is working

    3. What are your biggest pain points

    As we’re talking, I offer suggestions and we discuss together what resonates with you. Through our conversation I create an action plan that you can implement over the next several weeks.

  • You don’t have to take notes during our meeting. 1-2 days after we meet you will receive a written document that I call the Action Plan Document. This will clearly lay out what we discussed and clearly delineate action items over the next several weeks. It will state the Service Duration* we agree upon as well as when my first follow-up will be. Finally, the Action Plan Document will include links for product recommendations where appropriate.

    *Service Duration is typically 2 to 4 weeks.

  • This is a critical and valuable part of the services I offer. I don’t just give you information and leave you on your own to implement. Over your Service Duration* I am available for you to call on the phone or text. You can ask me questions, bounce ideas off of me, whatever is helpful. I will follow up with you at least twice throughout your Service Duration, typically 1-2 weeks after our initial meeting and at the end of your Service Duration. This gives you an opportunity (and deadline!) to implement what we discussed and test it out in your real life. If needed, we can troubleshoot what isn’t working and explore additional solutions. Your success is my success and I will do whatever I can to help you have More Time and Less Worry!

    *Service Duration is typically 2 to 4 weeks.